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The first governor of Connecticut was Jonathan Trumbull. Connecticut was a self-governing state even after the Revolutionary War. That all changed though when the United States Consitution was born. Most people don't know that a lot of the Revolutionary War  battles took place in Connecticut. Exspecally Some of the more big and dramatic ones. An example was the Battle of Ridgefield.


Connecticut invented the lapidary machine. A lapidary is a person who would carve stone and glass and stuff like that to give it a decoration. They made a lot of money off this and became known to people as a hard working state.


In the Civil War Connecticut played a huge role they were the state that supplied and made all the guns for the Union Army and Navy. After the Civil War African-Americans came to Connecticut to work on building guns and ammuntion for a good paying job.

When More immergarnts came from over seas they brought over more catholics to connecticut. The biggest population that came over were the Jewish. By the yeat 1910 30% of Connecticut's population was immagrants.